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Where to stay in Verkhovyna

More About Verkhovyna

Verkhovyna (Ukrainian: Верховина; before 1962, Ukrainian: Жаб'є, Polish: Żabie) is an urban-type settlement located in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast in western Ukraine. Verkhovyna serves as the administrative center of Verkhovyna Raion. Population: 5,857 (2016 est.). It was originally established as Żabie in 1424.The town is located in the Hutsul region of the Carpathian Mountains called Pokuttya, upon the Cheremosh River, a tributary of the Prut. Verkhovyna is currently an important tourist center in Ukraine. The town's name means "highland place." In 1918-1939, Żabie belonged to Poland and was located in the Kosów Powiat (county) of the Stanisławów Voivodeship. During those years, it was one of the main tourist centers of the country, attracting people from as far away as England. It was also the biggest rural community in Poland (in terms of territory). After years of Soviet rule, the village did not resemble the picturesque mountain spa that existed in the 1930s. There is an interesting Orthodox church, a Hutsul museum and a Polish cemetery with monuments of soldiers of the Polish Border Patrol who died while protecting the pre-1939 border. Another important attraction in Verkhovyna is the museum of Roman Kumluk.
timezone Time UTC+03
currency Currency UAH
volt Voltage 230V
lang Languages Ukrainian, Russian, Romanian, Polish, Hungarian

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Frequently Asked Questions

The most highly rated hotels in Verkhovyna are Verhovel Hotel.

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