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Where to stay in Saulkrasti

More About Saulkrasti

Saulkrasti ( pronunciation ; German: Neubad) (in translation from Latvian - Sun shores) is a town in Latvia, which lies on the east coast of Gulf of Riga. It stretches across 17 km from Lilaste river to Zvejniekciems village including. The town itself spans across 48 square kilometres (19 sq mi), and includes 42 square kilometres (16 sq mi) of field and forest territory. The towns motto – "The town closer to the Sun. Town which carries the name of the Sun". The coat of arms of Saulkrasti represents the four rivers (white stripes) Inčupe, Pēterupe, Ķīšupe, Aģe, and five villages (green stripes) – Bādciems, Katrīnbāde (Pabaži), Pēterupe, Neibāde, Zvejniekciems. The top parts represent the sea and the sun. Saulkrasti carries its present name since 1933, when the villages of east coast of Gulf of Riga were merged into one common municipal structure, and since 1991 it is a town. An EU funded bypass of the main A1 Motorway between Riga and Tallinn was completed in 2007, which will reduce through traffic, noise pollution and the large amount of lorries. Saulkrasti is the home to the annual Saulkrasti Jazz Festival.
timezone Time UTC+03
currency Currency EUR
volt Voltage 230V
lang Languages Latvian, Russian, Lithuanian

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Frequently Asked Questions

The most highly rated hotels in Saulkrasti are Saules Club Apart Hotel, Villa Neubad.

Generally, room reservations are subject to a free refund until the cancellation deadline. Fees may apply after the cancellation deadline, so please check the cancellation deadline on your hotel voucher or in Menu > My Reservation.

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