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Where to stay in Merzouga

More About Merzouga

Merzouga is a small village in southeastern Morocco, about 35 kilometres southeast of Rissani, about 55 kilometers from Erfoud, and about 50 kilometers from the Algerian border. The village is known for its proximity to Erg Chebbi, a Saharan erg, and it is for this reason a part of the itineraries of many tourists visiting Morocco. Merzouga has the largest natural underground body of water in Morocco. In 2006 Merzouga experienced devastating flash floods, displacing 1,200 and resulting in some deaths. Near the dunes of Erg Chebbi there are some other known villages: Hassilabied 4 km away, Tanamoust 3 km away, Takoujt 1.5 km away, Khamlia 7 km away and Tisserdmine 15 km away.
timezone Time UTC+01
currency Currency MAD
volt Voltage 127V,220V
lang Languages Arabic, Berber , French

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Frequently Asked Questions

The most highly rated hotels in Merzouga are Kanz Erremal, Ksar Bicha, Auberge De Charme Les Dunes D'Or.

Generally, room reservations are subject to a free refund until the cancellation deadline. Fees may apply after the cancellation deadline, so please check the cancellation deadline on your hotel voucher or in Menu > My Reservation.

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