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Where to stay in Imlil

More About Imlil

Imlil is a small village in the high Atlas Mountains of Morocco. It is 1,800 metres (5,900 ft) above sea level. A portrait of Imlil and the problems and prospects of Morocco's mountain populations appeared in 1984 in the book by James A. Miller called Imlil and published by Westview Press. It is close to the mountain Jebel Toubkal, the highest peak in Northern Africa. http://imlil-trekking.com makes a good base for attempting to summit Toubkal as it lies at the end of the tarmac road, and is a natural place to hire mountain guides and mules for the onward trek. Imlil is the centre of mountain tourism in Morocco due to its unique position. From here, 90% of visitors head up to Toubkal, the highest mountain in Morocco. Imlil is connected to Asni and Ikkiss by tracks. Open-back trucks provide a bus service several times a week between these three villages Imlil makes a good base for attempting to summit Toubkal. Imlil as a village is a relatively new creation. It was created to cater for the number of tourists pouring through en route to Toubkal. The original communities still exist in the valleys around Tamatert, Ait Souka, Tagadirt, Tacheddirt, Acheim, Taourirt n'Ait Mizane, Mzikene and Arhrene. Before the advent of mountain tourism, the Imlil area was well known for its walnuts, apples and cherry production. While these are still important to the local economy, these have been eclipsed by tourism. Both mountain tourists and Moroccans come to Imlil seeking a cool relief from the heat of the Haouz. The Film 'Seven years in Tibet' was partly filmed in the village. On 17 August 1995, following 70 millimetres (2.8 in) of rainfall in just 2.5 hours, the village of Imlil was catastrophically flooded. A six-metre wall of water washed down the surrounding valleys, with a reported 27 times the average volume of water. Official figures state that up to 150 people, including 20-60 tourists, were killed. Forty vehicles parked near the river were washed away. The villagers ex
timezone Time UTC+01
currency Currency MAD
volt Voltage 127V,220V
lang Languages Arabic, Berber , French

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Frequently Asked Questions

The most highly rated hotels in Imlil are Riad Atlas Prestige, Le Village du Toubkal, Atlas Imoula.

Generally, room reservations are subject to a free refund until the cancellation deadline. Fees may apply after the cancellation deadline, so please check the cancellation deadline on your hotel voucher or in Menu > My Reservation.

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