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Where to stay in Erbil

More About Erbil

Erbil, also spelt Arbil or Irbil, locally called Hawler/Hewler by the Kurds is the capital of legal government of Kurdistan region and the most populous city in the Kurdish inhabited areas. It is located approximately 350 kilometres (220 miles) north of neighboring Baghdad Iraq. It has about 850,000 inhabitants, and Erbil governorate has a permanent population of 2,009,367 as of 2015.Human settlement at Erbil can be dated back to possibly 5th millennium BCE, and it is one of the oldest continuously inhabited areas in the world. At the heart of the city is the ancient Citadel of Erbil. The earliest historical reference to the region dates to the Third Dynasty of Ur of Sumer, when King Shulgi mentioned the city of Urbilum. The city was later settled by the Assyrians.Erbil became an integral part of the kingdom of Assyria by at least the 21st century BCE through to the end of the seventh century BCE, after it was captured by the Gutians, and it was known in Assyrian annals variously as Urbilim, Arbela and Arba-ilu. After this it was part of the geopolitical province of Assyria under several empires in turn, including the Median Empire, the Achaemenid Empire (Achaemenid Assyria), Macedonian Empire, Seleucid Empire, Parthian Empire, Roman Assyria and Sasanian Empire (Asōristān), as well as being the capital of the tributary state of Adiabene between the mid-second century BCE and early second century CE. Following the Muslim conquest of Persia, it no longer remained a unitary region, and during the Middle Ages, the city came to be ruled by the Seljuk and Ottoman empires.Erbil's archaeological museum houses a large collection of pre-Islamic artefacts, particularly the art of Mesopotamia, and is a centre for archaeological projects in the area. The city was designated as Arab Tourism Capital 2014 by the Arab Council of Tourism. In July 2014, the Citadel of Arbil was inscribed as a World Heritage site. The city has an ethnically diverse population of Kurds (the majority e
timezone Time UTC+03
currency Currency IQD
volt Voltage 230V
lang Languages Arabic, Kurdish, Assyrian, Armenian

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Frequently Asked Questions

The most highly rated hotels in Erbil are Erbil Rotana, Divan Erbil Hotel, Grand Palace Hotel Erbil.

Generally, room reservations are subject to a free refund until the cancellation deadline. Fees may apply after the cancellation deadline, so please check the cancellation deadline on your hotel voucher or in Menu > My Reservation.

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